Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 19-21
Gossypiboma is used to describe a retained cotton matrix surgical material in the body after an operation. Retained intra-abdominal surgical sponge is an uncommon surgical error. Among retained foreign bodies a surgical or sponge constitutes the most frequently encountered object because of its common usage, small size and amorphous structure We 1st time report a case of 46 yrs old female patient of Gossipiboma with chronic abscess [Antiboma] 12 yrs after vaginal hysterectomy best managed by laparoscopy approach.
Keywords: Surgical gauge, Laparoscopy exploration, Foreign bodies
How to cite : Kinker S, Kinker A, Kinker M, Rare case of gossypiboma as antiboma [Sterile chronic abcess] after twelve year of vaginal hystrectomy and laparoscopy approach. South Asian J Health Prof 2021;4(1):19-21
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Received : 02-02-2022
Accepted : 10-02-2022
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