Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 104-106
A 9 year old boy complained of intense fear of darkness, being alone, teachers, school, being kidnapped, pain, loss of money etc because of which his parents had to change his school for 3 times in last 2 years. He was asked to explain his fears by putting it on paper in the form of art. He chose to draw a few figures and explained his art with total clarity of thought. In such psychiatric cases where it is difficult to understand the personality of patient because of overcrowding of disease symptoms, art helped us as physicians to understand his personality in a much better way to prescribe the perfect similimum and experience the power of Homoeopathic medicines in bringing about gentle, rapid cure. In this particular case, we could also find that the pace of achieving cure after administration of correct homeopathic remedy is magical.
Keywords: Fear, Art, Psychiatry, Similimum, Homeopathy, Cure
How to cite : Mundra A B, Kabra A S, Case of fear cured by homeopathy in 9 years old – understanding personality of the child through art. South Asian J Health Prof 2023;6(4):104-106
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Received : 02-11-2023
Accepted : 20-11-2023
Viewed: 1998
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