Effect of alcohol consumption on lipid profile

Original Article

Author Details : Tanniru Samatha, Katnam Shylaja, Arelli Sukanya, Khairul Islam, Tejaswi Chillara*

Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2024

Article Page : 32-36


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Background: Now-a-days alcoholism is major complication for development of different diseases. According to our literature review chronic alcoholic consumption will cause the lot of health complications. People without any comorbidities are also diagnosed with the lot of health complications at early age because of alcohol consumption. Our aim of the study is to identify the lipid changes in chronic alcoholic patients and how it effects on their health.
Aim: To monitor the lipid changes in alcoholic persons.
A prospective observational study was conducted for duration of six months, the data has been collected in 456 patients over six months of period and the data was collected with informed consent from the persons. All the data was collected by interacting with persons by using data collection form and laboratory reports were studied.
Results: In our study, 456 male populations were included. Out of 456 members, 272 people were alcoholics, and 184 members were non-alcoholic. Out of 272 population 180 are chronic alcoholics and 92 are occasional alcoholics. Out of 456 members young adults (18-25) 182 (39.9%) persons and old adults (26-40) were 274 (60%) persons296 members are taking alcohol with food and 160 members are taking without food. Out of 456 population 438 (96%) persons are non-vegetarians and 18(4%) members are vegetarians. Out of 272, 104 members were drinking beer, 58 were cheap liquor, 25 were Officers' choice, 18 were royal stag, 22 were blenders pride, 15 were signature, 23 were mixed brands, and 7 were others. In our study 156 persons were drinking sweetened beverages, 52(33.3%) members are daily beverage intakes and 104(33.3%) Members are occasionally beverage intakes. According to our study most commonly used sugary beverage brands are thumps up 93(59%), 48(31%) Sting,15(10%) other sugary beverages. Out of 156, Triglycerides were elevated in 47 and LDL was elevated in 36 persons, VLDL elevated in 4 persons and T. Cholesterol elevated in 5 members, Normal lipid profile in 64 persons. Out of 456 persons, 314(69%) are undiagnosed and 142(31%) are diagnosed with lipid changes. According to our common complications associated with alcohol consumption 39 were cardiac, 56 were hepatic, 9 were renal, and 38 were others (pancreatitis, stroke, cholelithiasis).
Conclusion: In our study, we concluded that alcohol consumption will mainly affect triglyceride levels. Elevation of triglyceride levels is associated with the quantity and duration of alcohol intake. Normal Intake of alcohol does not cause lipid changes. Excessive intake of beer and cheap liquor increases TG. Excessive alcohol intake and fat intake will increase the LDL, Triglycerides, VLDL and decrease HDL. Excessive intake of sweetened beverages may also cause dyslipidaemia. Because it contains a high number of calories. The most common complication associated with elevation of triglycerides are hypertension, cardiovascular disease. Alcohol intake with food or without food shows the same complications but the absorption of alcohol may vary with food. Alcohol consumption with fat intake will cause hyperlipidaemia.

Keywords: Alcohol, Triglycerides, Hyperlipidemia, Dyslipidemia, Sweetened beverages, Health complications

How to cite : Samatha T, Shylaja K, Sukanya A, Islam K, Chillara T, Effect of alcohol consumption on lipid profile. South Asian J Health Prof 2024;7(2):32-36

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Article History

Received : 18-01-2024

Accepted : 05-02-2024

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https://doi.org/ 10.18231/j.sajhp.2024.008

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